When you make any crochet project, like a round coaster, a granny square or anything, usually you close it up with a slip stitch at the end. That's ok to finish in that way, but you can see the end because there is an obvious unevenness in that place. So, here is the technique that you can use to prevent this from happening: the invisible join. Is a very simple trick but it'll be a big difference because it'll give a very professional finish to your crochet projects.
Juanito the Little Apple & Gus the Worm – Crochet Pattern
Juanito and Gus meet for the first time when both were babies. They used to live in a beautiful field surrounded by a lot of fruit trees, but these two friends were always looking for adventures, so a couple of months ago they decided to move to the city. They chose New York because Juanito says over there live the "big apples", Gus doesn't understand that but always support his best friend with his ideas.
Chunky Scrunchie – FREE Crochet Pattern
I don't know what happened, but the scrunchies are back! When I was at the school, at least in my country (Chile), it wasn't very fancy to use a scrunchie, it was the opposite, but for me, they were the best because I've always had a lot of hair, so a big scrunchie was perfect, just not fashionable. But know... WOW, the '90s are back, and I love it!!! So, now I can make my scrunchies and do them how big as I want.
How to: Crochet with Beads
I know sometimes we want to put a special touch on our projects, adding some beads, but sewing beads one by one is not a good option. Too much work, and it isn't worth it, right? So here is the solution to integrate them directly into the yarn. This technique will help you to save time and to keep your beads more secure.
FREE Printable Tags for Crocheters and Knitters
Have you been in the situation when you are selling your products, and the people ask you about the care instructions for that? As a crocheter, I been in that situation a lot of times. The people usually don't know how to take care of handmade products, and they are worried because they don't want to ruin the unique piece. Because of that, I thought it was a good idea to make a tag to mark and inform your clients of the care instructions of every crocheted/knitted item.
Bunny in Dino’s Pajamas – Free Crochet Pattern – Add-on
Last time, I told you about my new amigurumi pattern, the bunny in pajamas, and I was pleased with the result, but after looking at him for a while sitting in my desk, I asked myself, "Why not brighten this pattern even more?" So, a couple of minutes after thinking about it, I knew it! It had to transform the pajama from a simple one to a dinosaur, and I did it right away!
Bunny in Pajamas – Crochet Pattern
I came back with a new pattern, but this time with an amigurumi. These bunnies are very similar to those I made a LONG time ago, and I just forgot about them. Still, with all this pandemic time and a lot of people staying at home and using pajamas daily, I remembered them, so here it is The Bunny in Pajamas.
Reusable Face Scrubbies – Free Crochet Pattern
I know in this “pandemic” time, a lot of us aren't using makeup in our houses, but that doesn’t mean we are not doing skincare routines. In fact, for me, this moment was right to commit to a night face routine. I’m very strict with my morning face routine, but at night I’m just lazy, so I decided to start with something simple, just washing my face every night, and after some weeks I noticed that you need a little help with that, so I made this face scrubbies.
How to Crochet: Puff Stitch
The puff stitch used to be confused with the bobble stitch or popcorn stitch, and it can actually happen, and it will continue happening because people change the name depending on where they come from or who wrote the pattern.
The important thing to know is how to distinguish according to the way they are made because even though they are similar, the finish in our project is a lot different.