Years ago, when I decided to start to crochet again and learn how to do amigurumi, I had forgotten absolutely everything. I knew crochet basics when I was a little kid, so redoing that in my 20’s was very difficult. I researched thru the internet, and I found information, but at that moment, I wasted a lot of time in that because I had to pick and learn every topic from different websites so now that I finally have my own blog, I want to put all the information for beginners together here.

This section of my blog it’ll be updated every month, so don’t forget to check it out or to subscribe to my newsletter to receive every new post directly in your mailbox.

“The master is a beginner that never gave up”
– Avina Celeste

If you have any questions about any of the topics above or any suggestion for a new one, PLEASE write me a comment in the post or send me an email, and I’ll answer you happily.